XML Files

Traditionally MUDs I’ve seen have used raw text files for player files. Some might use binary, and some might compress them into a gzipped format.

There’s a problem with using this sort of file: in general, they are written or read a single line at at time. In Basternae 2 we had a significant problem with player file corruption. If the save or load engine had a problem with one of the values found in the file, you were pretty much screwed. If this happened during a file save, you pretty much had to restore the player file from a backup and hope that the backup was recent.

In order to banish this problem to the realms of oblivion, I’m incorporating the XML-based file save/load code that I used on my AlgoRhythmia 3 application. The difference with this code is that instead of opening the file and writing it line by line, dealing with values as they come, instead it creates an XML data store in memory and populates that with the values, and then serializes it to disk after all the values are checked.

So, intstead of having a half-written player file if the values are bad, it’ll be an all-or-nothing. If the data store fails to build, the file won’t be written, so instead of losing up to a week worth of play data, at most about 15 minutes would be lost, and that assumes the player hadn’t picked up or dropped any items in that time.

Once I have this code done I may give serious thought to setting up all of the game files to use XML. In addition to the build-then-save, XML also some built in checks and guards, so a typo in a hand-edited file would be much less likely to destroy the universe.

The downside: XML files are larger and slower.

The other upside: Data files written in XML can be easily processed by other applications, such as a web script that posts dynamic game stats on a page.