In general either code works or it doesn’t and it’s easy to tell whether it does or doesn’t work. At least until you reach a certain level of complexity. At some point a project gets large enough that you can’t tell which project/dll your error is coming from, let alone which of the 100K or even 50M lines of code is doing naughty things.
Today I had a problem that was easier to solve by creating unit tests to point out where the flaw was. The tool uset? MbUnit.
Here’s an example of an MbUnit test I wrote in order to find a string processing bug:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using MbUnit.Framework;
namespace UnitTests
public class MUDStringTests
[Row(12, "", "box")]
[Row(1, "cheese", "cheese")]
[Row(1, "1.pie", "pie")]
[Row(1, ".chicken", "chicken")]
public void NumberArgument(int expectedValue, string inputString, string expectedOutput)
string str = String.Empty;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, BasternaeMud.MUDString.NumberArgument(inputString, ref str));
Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, str);
What this does is check whether we’re getting the expected output when we give a certain piece of input. It’s handy for detecting anomalies without having to boot up the server and/or mess with production code. Mind you, there’s no such thing as ‘production code’ since we don’t have a server up yet, but this sort of thing is likely to be handy in the future.
I’m not the type that has any chance of turning into a ‘write the unit tests first’ and ‘unit tests are more important than code’ evangelistic freak, but in most cases it is far easier than using trial-and-error to track down a bug.
I still hate the way WordPress formats my code.
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