I’ve pushed another update to the Basternae client today, version 0.23. Download is available on the sidebar, as always.
Here’s what’s changed:
- Alias support has been added. Usage is #alias <keyword> <text that replaces the keyword>. Aliases are saved when you click File -> Save Settings and loaded at startup.
- Rendering of surface map sections with T-facing-right road pieces is fixed.
- Fixed a glitch with closing and then reopening the status, group, equipment, hotkey, and map windows.
- Improved the initial opening position of the equipment and group windows.
Give the client a try and let me know if and how aliases need to be improved (as in, what you typically do in WinTin or ZMud that doesn’t work here yet). I used to use aliases, but I never did anything all that complex. Typical aliases I used were “gc” = “get all corpse”, “ik” = “cast ‘ariek’ thri-kreen”, and the like.
Also note that the client doesn’t nag you about updates. If you want an update you have to come here looking for it.
You should include variables. For example your “ik” = “cast ‘ariek’ thri-kreen” I would have as:
“it” = “cast ‘ariek’ @target”
“tk” = “target = thri-kreen”
“ik” = “tk;it”
“bt” = “bash @target”
“bk” = “tk;bk”
etc etc…
woops “tk;bt”