Author Archives: xangis

New Bloodless Mushroom Release – Hydropus

I recently released some new Bloodless Mushroom music, an album titled Hydropus. It’s a collection of glitchy ambient instrumental tracks composed on various vintage synthesizers. The name comes from a genus of mushroom that grows in tropical forests.

The album art is a painting I created early in the Coronavirus lockdowns.

It’s available for listening on YouTube here:

It’s also available on Spotify and other streaming services. Enjoy. 🙂

New OJ Champagne Release – Battery Acid

I wrote a song about developing an addiction to battery acid in the pre-COVID times (2018). I performed it live a few times in Portland, Oregon. During the lockdown I recorded a version of it.

It’s available on YouTube:

It’s also available on Spotify and other streaming services.

Another Little 3D Experiment – Morning Coffee

This is another little 3d experiment.

I didn’t create any of the 3d models, which are stock content for Daz 3D. I just posed the scene.

I learned how to fix “poke through” (where you can see skin sticking out through the geometry of clothes), and learned a little more about bending joints.


New Dr. Kilpatient Release – Jam 453

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, Tomasz Kordowski and I had some pretty good jams in our house, The Craniorium (named for all the mannequin heads, of course).

I polished up and released a recording of my favorite one for streaming. It’s called “Jam 453” and it’s available for listening on YouTube:

It’s also on Spotify and all the other streaming services.

Of course, that’s Tomasz Kordowski on piano, and me on drums.

A Beginner Experiment With Stop-Motion Video

Here’s a very beginner experiment.

I’m learning some of the basics of stop-motion video. I created this using Wondershare, which I bought in some sort of holiday sale a couple years ago. Wondershare works pretty well for basic video editing, and if you want something that isn’t too complicated, I recommend it.

Subscribe to the channel if you want to see future things and find out whether I ever get good at it.

For the most part, it’s just taking photographs and stringing them together in a sequence, showing each for a fraction of a second, for example 1/4 second, which gives you four frames per second. More frames per second will give smoother movement. Television has historically been 24 frames per second, while a YouTube video or digital video in general is normally 30. 60 frames per second is also becoming more common.

So far, what’s most difficult is keeping the lighting consistent, and secondarily keeping the movement increments consistent. The biggest problem with the lighting on this one is that in a few frames, my own body is obscuring some of the light.

A Denunciation of Cryptocurrency

Some of my recent posts might make it seem like I am pro-cryptocurrency.

I am not.

Yes, it was a fun playground to tinker around in for a bit, but I know it for what it is – a minefield of pyramid schemes, scams, hucksters, spammers, crooks, and a few honest but gullible suckers.

Cryptocurrency likes to promote itself by pointing out the flaws of a fiat-based central monetary system. The trouble is that it solves none of them, and introduces many more of its own.

Where do I start? It’s easy to manipulate, backed by nothing — essentially vapor — and if something goes wrong, your money disintegrates, or the supply explodes, or one of thousands of possible disasters when there are no central controls on something. At least a fiat currency is backed by a government — and those tend to have force to back up their claims.

It is also incredibly inefficient. Sure, forging metal into coins or paper/plastic into banknotes consumes energy and resources, but the majority of circulating currency is digital (via credit/debit cards) and no physical money changes hands. Meanwhile, with most (not all) cryptocurrencies, every transaction consumes energy. Yes, credit card terminals consume energy, but orders of magnitude less than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Transactions are also incredibly expensive. Again, look at Bitcoin and Ethereum, where transactions regularly cost tens of dollars to process. You thought Paypal or Stripe fees were kind of high? Multiply them by tens or hundreds and you’re in the realm of crypto.

Reversibility is also an issue. With banks, when you try to send money to the wrong account, it either fails, or is reversible if it succeeds. With crypto, transactions are not reversible, and if you send money to an invalid address, that “money” is gone forever and you have no recourse and no way to recover it. You didn’t just “drop” the currency — you threw it into a black hole.

While there might be some interesting aspects to cryptocurrency that might help advance digital payment technologies of the future (backed by real governments and with a real legal framework to protect users and holders), cryptocurrency today has no value whatsoever. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

By all means, play in your scam-playgrounds. Don’t be surprised when regulations catch up with you, and you’re in jail for fraud or tax evasion. I just wish it wasn’t necessary to burn forests in order to power this nonsense.

First Steps in 3D

I’ve started learning to use Daz3D. My first render used stock content and was before reading any part of the manual or tutorial. It’s beautifully horrible, and you can see that the body shape, the skin, and the clothing are all fighting about which one gets to be visible.

First Render - Clothes Problem

No, silly, the clothes go OVER the skin, not under.

The second one was before learning how to match hair to body (dang, that’s a lot of scalp, girl).

Second Render - Sane Clothes

Dang, that’s a lot of scalp, girl.

The third one was an actual scene (she’s clearly holding an invisible meatloaf). I still know close to nothing.

Third Render - Hair Fixed

If there were any meatloaf, she would totally be offering you some.

All of these will be very embarrassing if I get to the point of competence. Which is the point. A cringey point of reference for measuring progress, if you will…

Throwing Scraps to The TradeOgre

TradeOgre is a cryptocurrency exchange that specializes primarily in privacy coins.

For a while I hesitated to sign up for the exchange because it looks more like the website for a metal band than a reputable exchange, and the available contact info is minimal at best.

However, I had a few coins I wanted to get rid of. I call them “scraps” because they’re a small quantity that came from test mining various altcoins.

I signed up for the exchange, and it was a fast process because they don’t require any KYC verification. They use two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator, like most exchanges.

I sent in a little Garlicoin (GRLC), Turtlecoin (TRTL), and Ravencoin Lite (RVL) [since renamed to Avian (AVN)]. I wanted to send in some Masari (MSR), but the wallet was unable to send outgoing transactions. I didn’t have the patience to mess with a broken wallet, so I uninstlaled it and deleted the data directory. Say goodbye 11 cents worth of Masari forever.

What I saw from the website made it look like there were no trade minimums. Nothing was mentioned on the fees page. I was wrong. There is a trade minimum and it’s $3. That’s quite reasonable, but it would have been nice to know beforehand and it’s something I’d expect to see on a fees page.

I sold the 47 cents of Garlicoin by buying $3 worth and then selling the whole batch. I lost a couple cents in the spread, but at least I’m rid of Garlicoin and managed to get a little bit out of it.

I decided to keep the RVL. The Ravencoin Lite/Avian saga is a story for another day.

The 17 cents worth of Turtlecoin I have sitting on TradeOgre will probably sit there until the heat death of the universe. TRTL’s bizarre setup where you have to pick a node to send through  with each node having varying fees is quite odd, and a dangerous trap for those who aren’t paying attention because the fees can be exorbitant. I used, which had no additional fees, but overall the coin is not something I find appealing.

Since my initial “scraps cleanup”, I’ve traded RVN, RVL, RTM, and LTC on TradeOgre. It’s fast, smooth, and reliable. Although they might look a little shady, it’s legit. I even contacted them via Twitter for support to correct a problem with a Litecoin address and they were very responsive and helpful.

Don’t be afraid of the ogre. It’s a good exchange.

Thoughts on Komodo Coin (KMD)

Komodo (KMD) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform that started in 2017. It is a proof-of-work coin that uses the Equihash algorithm and has a maximum supply of 200 million coins.

It trades around $1 USD and hasn’t moved very far from that in either direction in the past 3 months. Just over 120 million of the coins are in circulation, with a market cap of $128 million at time of writing.

Komodo has built-in staking at 5.1% interest and it requires at least 10 KMD to do so.

It also has some real-world use cases. The SmartFI DeFi platform is built on Komodo, for example.

The Reddit has a sizeable membership, and though post activity isn’t high, it isn’t dead either. It also has a fairly active Discord.

I became interested in KMD in October and purchased a few at Bittrex just before a required update was rolled out. Bittrex disabled KMD deposits and withdrawals, and didn’t re-enable them for about two weeks after the update, which was a bit unnerving. This spooked me a bit, and I sold the coins I had bought at a breakeven price.

Komodo is pretty difficult to mine directly (for me) since it uses the Equihash algorithm and I don’t have hardware that handles that very well. Instead, I mined some at an auto-exchange mining pool.

Prohashing, one of the auto-exchange mining pools I use, added KMD withdrawals around the time I became interested in it, but they had a warning saying that spreads were very high. I’m not sure what exchange it came from, but it must have been somewhere with low liquidity. I exchange-mined about 1 KMD worth before it was disabled as a broken coin.

Komodo Error on Prohashing

Komodo disabled on Prohashing

I also tried their wallet with built-in exchange, AtomicDEX. The interface is beautiful, but I couldn’t do much other than send and receive coins becuse trading features are blocked for US users. Being an American is very annoying in the cryptocurrency world.

AtomicDex DEX features not allowed in US

AtomicDEX exchange features are not available in US.

Overall I was impressed with how professional their website and applications look, but Komodo is not great if you’re an American. It’s also far more centralized than most cryptocurrency projects, but that isn’t always a bad thing. It’s certainly better than having nobody at the helm, like many of the zombie currencies I’ve been seeing lately. The Komodo team seems to be pretty talented and innovative.

Although KMD is probably a good long-term investment, I’m not personally interested in holding or trading any until AtomicDEX is available globally.

What Programming Is Like

A friend of mine posted this on their feed the other day.

My spouse (an artist, not in tech), working her way through a C++ class (part of a Digital Arts cirriculum). I: Let me know if you need help. She: Will do. Two hours later.. I: How's it going? She: Fine. I'm cheating. I: ??? She: I google for stuff I don't know. ... Do I tell her?

As a professional programmer with decades of experience, I can describe the full process:

Step 1: Google it. Find no applicable answers.

Step 2: Rephrase the question. Find search results that look relevant. Open them all in new tabs.

Step 3: Find that all of the results ask the exact question you’re trying to answer, but none have answers.

Step 4: Rephrase the question again using the extra keywords you found in other people’s questions. Get search results that are 80% the same. Click on the top new result.

Step 5: Find a solution that almost fits your problem and gets you 80% of the way there. It’s either missing a step or is outdated by a version of whatever you’re working on.

Step 6: Use that 80% solution to trial-and-error your way across the finish line.

Thoughts on UniformFiscalObject (UFO) Coin

UniformFiscalObject, or UFOcoin as it’s commonly known, is a project that has been around for quite a while, since at least 2014.

It’s easy to mine and I’ve hit a bunch of blocks myself, mainly via neoscrypt autoswitching at Prohashing, but also via “fake solo” mining on By “fake solo”, I mean that I was the only one mining on the pool at the time, and received 100% of the reward (minus fees). Fake solo mining is a nice way to get most of the benefits of solo mining, while still getting credit if you do a bunch of work and stop mining and someone else immediately hits a block after you stop.

Development and community activity for UFO appear to be slow and sparse.

The website looks rather nice and has updates from this year, and the wallet looks and works like those of most Bitcoin descendants with no extra frills.

The Reddit only has about 100 members with only 4 posts in the last 3 years. That’s OK, not every project is active on Reddit.

The Twitter, although not widely followed, seems to be alive, even though posts are infrequent.

Their Github is not very active, with only 5 commits since 2019.

I didn’t check the Discord, which might be far more active.

Graviex is the primary exchange for UFO and it has pretty good liquidity with a small buy/sell spread. It’s pretty strange that it’s not on more exchanges, especially since it’s been around for 7 years. Maybe it was on more, but it was dropped for lack of volume.

The all-time high price of UFO was around 0.6 cents USD in 2018 and the market cap peaked at about $18 million at the same time. Now it trades around 0.1 cents and a market cap around $5 million. Charts show this is neither a pump-and-dump coin, nor was it a coin that peaked shortly after release and went into steady decline. With a max supply of 4 billion UFO, it’s no surprise that it’s trading for a fraction of a cent given its relative obscurity.

IsThisCoinAScam ranks it pretty low, mainly due to incomplete information.

Either UFOcoin is pretty active for a dead coin, or it’s pretty dead for an active coin. Either way it is a good lubricant. It’s in solid rotation at some auto-exchange pools, including Prohashing and Zpool, and I first heard about it by hitting a block via Prohashing. The 90 second block time is a nice balance between fast and slow, and block times faster than 60 seconds are overkill.

The main problem with its popularity is that it doesn’t have a dedicated use on its own, which is also true of the vast majority of cryptocurrency. This means that it’s pretty unlikely that UFO’s price will fluctuate much and it may always be a sub-cent coin because it’s “just another crypto”.

Overall UniformFiscalObject has some good parameters, but it doesn’t have enough going on to ever become a “big deal”. Even so, I’m sure I’ll mine a little now and then, either by choice or by autoswitching pool decision. I just won’t be holding a huge supply of it.

Hive Mining with Litecoin Cash (LCC)

Litecoin Cash is an innovative cryptocurrency that has three different ways of generating new coins. It first started with SHA-256 mining. A successful 51% attack in 2018 caused them to diversify by adding Hive mining and MinotaurX CPU mining was added later as a non-ASIC option.

I recently tried hive mining, and here’s what the experience was like for me.

With hive mining, you spend coins to create “bees”, which are in a pending queue for 24 hours and then active for two weeks. It essentially functions as a raffle with each bee equivalent to one raffle ticket. The person with the more tickets is more likely to win, but it functions like a random drawing, so you can find a block with just a single bee if you’re luck.

The amount of competition on the network is shown as the Global Index, and if you check the “show bee population graph” box on The Hive tab, you can see how many bees are queued up to join the network and what the expiration schedule of existing bees is. This should give you some idea how the difficulty will change initially, but there’s no way to tell how many competing bees will be created beyond 24 hours.

Bee Population and Global Index Graph

Bee Population and Global Index Graph

While hive mining, your wallet needs to be open and active, so it’s only a good idea to hive mine on a computer that’s always on.

Creating the bees is simple, just enter the total and click “Create Bees”. I created 10,000 bees at a cost of 250 LCC, or about $5.50 USD at the time I started. The cost changes with each halving to keep pace with changes in block rewards. It doesn’t cost anything extra to contribute a percentage of the bee cost to the community fund, so I did that.

Bee Creation Transactions

Bee creation shows up as two separate transactions.

The Global Index was fairly low when I started, but quickly creeped up toward 100 as more bees were created by other people.

Low Global Index

Starting with a low Global Index.

New Bees and Rising Global Index

New Bees and a Rising Global Index.

The first 10 days were discouraging, with no blocks found and no indication that I would ever find a block. Then I found two blocks worth 93.75 LCC each in the same day, day 11.

First Block Found

First hive mined block. A victory!

After the process finished, those bees had generated 187.5 LCC, for a loss of 62.5 LCC (about $1.20 USD).

The hive mining guide on the Litecoin Cash website says that hive mining is very fast. Even so, I wonder whether hardware has any impact. Would a faster CPU, faster RAM, better network connection, or faster process creation make you more likely to find a block? My system was under moderate load since I was also using it for work during the day and play in the evening. I do not know whether proof-of-work mining on the same computer that you’re hive mining on has a negative impact on your ability to hive mine a block.

The wallet also crashed once during this process, and was offline for about 15 minutes, so that was also a factor.

After the bees expired, information about the bees disappeared. I didn’t see the “include expired bees” so I thought it was just gone, but a team member was kind enough to point that out on the Litecoin Cash Reddit.

I’ve never had any luck in contests, especially raffles, so I’m unlikely to try hive mining again unless I notice the difficulty being extremely low. Even so, it’s neat that it exists and my slightly-negative-income experience should not dissuade you from trying it. I wish more cryptocurrency projects would try new things like Litecoin Cash has been. Unfortunately, LCC’s experimentation was necessitated by a 51% attack, but in the long run they are stronger for it.

If you like this post, feel free to send me a little LCC at M8ubC3t6hKpV1BvB1HqnKaSeeC75WnuZBD

Setting up a 01coin (ZOC) Node

01coin is something I discovered browsing

It’s pretty inexpensive to set up a masternode, and I haven’t set one up before, so I figured I’d try it with 01. I actually tried GoByte (GBX) first, but they’re in a transition period where you can’t set up a masternode right now.

The first task was getting enough 01coin to set up the node.

01coin is traded on two exchanges right now – Crex24 and Graviex. Since Crex24 isn’t available to US customers, Graviex was the only option.

Since Graviex touts being able to buy cryptocurrency with a credit card, I decided to try that. It was a mistake. It started out simple enough – I set up the order and went on to the next screen. There they were asking for far too much information – including date of birth and driver’s license or passport number. I don’t know or trust Banxa, so I’m not too keen on telling them everything about me just to spend about as much as I’d spend at a food cart (where, in contrast, they wouldn’t even bother asking for a signature on a credit card purchase).

Banxa and Stex Purchase Form

Asking far too much info for a credit card purchase.

Since that was more than I wanted to deal with, I sent in some Ravencoin (RVN), sold that, and used it to buy a few thousand ZOC. Liquidity isn’t great for that coin, so I moved the market a bit with my purchase.

Now that I had enough coins to set up a masternode, I followed this tutorial and used method 3 (manual installation).

Thanks to that guide, setting up a masternode was not difficult at all.

01coin Masternode Running (Screenshot in Spanish because my other computer is set to use that)

After two days, I noticed that the node’s state said that it needed to be restarted, so I did. I don’t know whether this is something that will be a recurring problem, but it’s something I’ll watch for.

I haven’t yet received any masternode rewards, but the node hasn’t been running long enough to have earned any yet. The guide says it can take a while to receive your first reward.

Buying GoByte (GBX) on STEX from the United States

There’s an altcoin I want to get more of. It’s called GoByte (GBX), and is used primarily in Asia. It was created in Malaysia back in 2017 and seems to have fairly active development.

The “major” exchanges available to US citizens — BinanceUS, Bittrex, Coinbase, and Kraken — don’t trade GBX. Of the exchanges that do, HitBTC is not available to US citizens.

However, I did find an exchange that trades in more obscure crypto and is available in the US. It’s STEX. Although they don’t allow funding via ACH, they do allow funding via credit card.

Signing up was easy enough, and no more trouble than any other exchange.

For more trading freedom and lower commissions, you need to verify your identity with them. Their preferred identity verification partner is Cryptonomica, so I started that process after signing up.

Before signing up with Cryptonomica, I did a search for the company. They seemed legitimate and above board.

Cryptonomica is a bit more thorough than other places, in that they wanted both a passport and driver’s license, phone validation, encryption keys with at least 2048 bits, and even a video recording of me stating my identity.

However, when I made it to the phone validation portion, the website threw a Twilio login error. I forwarded this to support, but so far I’ve been unable to finish their verification process.

While this might be an honest glitch caused by someone doing a careless Friday code deploy, it’s worrisome. The feel of the site itself seems a little sketchy, and it was founded by two Ukranians (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing per se). If someone can make a mistake like breaking their 2FA account, who’s to say that they won’t have made other security mistakes that would leak my identity documents to the world?

Cryptonomica didn’t respond to my support email after 24 hours, and attempting to verify the next day failed in the same way. I also noticed that the last post on their Facebook account was in March 2020, so I’m not even sure it’s a going concern. Rather than go through the hassle, I used STEX’s own verification, which was pretty simple and painless, even if it does come with a lesser commission reduction (0.15% vs 0.1%).

While waiting for verification, I tried to create a receiving address for some Tron (TRX) that I wanted to exchange. It wouldn’t let me create a receiving address, saying that verification was required. Since it says that verification takes 36 hours when you start the process, I decided to wait until that finished to try again.

The next day, I got impatient and tried to use one of their other verification partners – That failed pretty quick when they redirected me to Fractal’s site and their registration page was broken with content security policy script load errors on the developer console. Their other verification partner is only for people in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, so that wasn’t an option.

I go through so much verification nonsense for tax purposes even though I have never failed to report a cent of income and have never lied on my taxes. I really wish the United States would just chip its citizens at birth and any time a financial transaction happens, it’s transmitted to the IRS. That opportunities should be denied to me as a US citizen (such as crypto exchanges in Asia) just because the IRS can’t watch what I’m doing with my money every second is ridiculous. I’m not a fan of being punished because someone else misbehaved.

STEX ended up taking a week to verify my account. This makes sense, since two of their verification partners are broken and their verification team probably has a higher workload. What is odd, though, is that the verification will expire in 6 months, 2022-04-10.

After verification, I was able to transfer in some Tron (TRX), sell it for Bitcoin, and buy some GoByte. The spreads weren’t great, but they also weren’t terrible considering what a low-volume coin GBX is.

I was also able to transfer the coins out of STEX with no difficulty, and now I have a good source for buying GoByte. I’m sure I’ll use STEX again, since I want more GBX.

You can always GBX me at GNyGaHXBUvvUQ8Uv2u5j1o8j3MkkDVGWVx

Galactrum (ORE) is Dead

I’ve been researching altcoins a lot lately. For a brief moment I was intrigued by Galactrum, mainly due to their accessible masternode proof-of-stake model, which only requires $0.41 worth of ORE to participate in at current prices.

The basically-nonexistent market cap of $5,603 (down from nearly $4 million) was a huge red flag that should have made me stop looking, but I decided to dig deeper.

I found that it was entirely dead.

I downloaded the wallet and after about 6 hours never managed to sync anything.

I looked for a place to buy some Galactrum. It’s trading at STEX with miniscule volume, but I don’t have a verified account there (that’s a whole different ordeal).

I looked for a place to mine, but my favorite mining pool directory didn’t have the coin listed.

The last Twitter post mentions switching to proof of stake.

The subreddit is almost nonexistant, with 28 members and the newest post more than two years ago.

The website is up and looks reasonable, and would certainly inspire more confidence than Cheesecoin did if the SSL certificate hadn’t expired back in July of this year. They should probably take it down at this point.

I don’t know how or why it died, but I’d guess that something went terribly wrong with the switch to proof of stake. Perhaps the only interest that the coin had was by miners, or even at its peak there may not have been enough exchanges/liquidity for people to get a stake.

Buying Raptoreum (RTM) and Litecoin Cash (LCC) on SouthXchange

A couple days ago I bought Raptoreum via Graviex and had a hard time due to the low liquidity. This time I wanted to try an exchange with much better liquidity. For a buyer from the United States, that makes SouthXchange the best option.

I signed up for an account, and it was the easiest and most straightforward process of any exchange I’ve signed up for. In fact, there was so little KYC that I’d imagine that regulators will be giving them a hard time soon. Enabling 2FA was easy, since like most exchanges they use Authenticator.

When I finally got set up with a trading window, I noticed something odd. Their pinned currency at the top included Trumpcoin (TRUMP), which was down 15%. So, like its namesake, it was a worthless loser.

Funding my account was very easy because they accept Tron (TRX). Tron is one of my favorite currencies to send to an exchange because it’s fairly stable (I believe the large initial investor allocation may be a factor there), has pretty good liquidity, and has almost no transfer fees. But as I write this, it looks like TRX got a little unstable. Ah, crypto.

Exchanging the Tron for Bitcoin (BTC) was easy, and they have a very easy-to-use trading interface that isn’t very intuitive at first, but after clicking around a bit it becomes very clear and smooth.

Like my Graviex experiment, I bought about $20 worth of Raptoreum. This time I got 1997 RTM for around $19.50, which I’m pretty happy with.

I also bought 2729 Litecoin Cash (LCC) for about $40 because that also has good liquidity and a small spread.

Transferring those purchases out of SouthXchange was also easy, and hassle-free. Coins in, traded, and out in only a few minutes.

I would definitely trade on SouthXchange again, especially since I’d like to acquire more of the two coins I just bought. I did not explore their dice system, or faucets, or chat. I was just looking to trade, and the exchange does very well at that. I can almost forgive them for trying to make me think about American politics, which is only slightly more gross than watching sausage be made.

Buying Raptoreum (RTM) with Graviex

I wanted to do a simple thing — buy $20 USD worth of Raptoreum (RTM). None of the cryptocurrency exchanges I had an account with were trading it, which is no surprise since it is a fairly obscure altcoin.

Opening an account with Graviex was fairly simple and straightforward and there was nothing weird about it. I completed the Know Your Customer (KYC) steps without hassle. You can fund your account with a credit card, but I wanted to fund with crypto instead.

I had some cash (USD) in Bittrex, and since there’s not a lot of low-fee overlap between coins that trade on both exchanges, I bought some Ravencoin (RVN) to send over. Some of Bittrex’s withdrawal fees are exorbitant, but withdrawing Ravencoin is only 1 RVN, or just under 11 cents USD as I write this. There may have been another coin that I could have used that had lower fees, but I doubt its liquidity would be as good as RVN.

I sent the Ravencoin in, and it took 60 minutes to confirm — Graviex requires 60 confirmations, which is a bit on the long side, but not unreasonable.

Since I couldn’t trade Ravencoin for Raptoreum directly, I had to convert it to Bitcoin (BTC). Selling the RVN for BTC was fairly straightforward, although their trading interface takes a little getting used to.

Now that I had a little BTC, I created an order for Raptoreum. That altcoin has very low liquidity and even less liquidity on Graviex, with only 2941.6 RTM traded in the last 24 hours. It had a large spread with buy orders at 18.8 Satoshis and sell orders at 24.7 Satoshis, so my order just sat there for a while. I eventually gave up and put in a buy order at a higher price.

After the purchase, withdrawing my RTM was easy. The fee was only 0.002 RTM, much more reasonable than Bittrex.

The end result is that I ended up with only 1595 RTM. In other words, I spent $20 to get $15 worth of Raptoreum. That reminds me of trading pink sheet stocks 20 years ago. In terms of Graviex, today I am a market-moving whale.

It looks like SouthXchange also supports RTM and has a much higher volume, so I think I’ll try that exchange next. I probably should have started there, but $5 is a low price to pay for a learning experience in the world of fairly obscure altcoins.

I would trade on Graviex again, but I will definitely check the volume first next time.

Cheesecoin (CHEESE) Is Dead.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love cheese, so it should be no surprise that I was excited when I learned there was a cryptocurrency called Cheesecoin.

It is an interesting project in that it combines mining and proof of stake, allowing income generation via running a masternode, which is fairly inexpensive to set up, requiring about $128 USD in Cheesecoin to set up.

After looking into it, I can comfortably say that the coin and the project are dead.

I downloaded the wallet, a standard Qt wallet for Windows. It installed easily enough, but after 12 hours, its stalled at “synchronizing with network” and “3 years and 38 weeks behind”. It looks like there’s no (or nearly no) network.

Right after installing the wallet and starting the sync, I found a pool and mined a little. Some crypto wallets won’t let you get receiving keys until they’ve synced the first time, but this one does. I used the Lidonia mining pool, which is one of many pools based on the yiimp open source project. It uses the scrypt algorithm, and I was able to mine a little using my GPU. However, I may never see the payout because the wallet will probably never sync.

Coinmarketcap says that the coin has a market capitalization of about $215,000 and ranks 2,211th with 1,888 watchers. It peaked in April 2021, with a market cap of $1,020,000 and trading at 4.7x its current price.

The website is not great, and the embedded currency converter doesn’t even support the coin.

The Subreddit has 6 members and no posts in the last 5 months.

The last Facebook post was on December 2019.

The Twitter has one post in the last six months, and it’s to mention that the coin was dropped by a mining pool.

The Github has not had any activity in 2 years.

I wanted to like this coin, but there’s nothing to it. There are no practical use cases, no community, and no real market or ecosystem. RIP cheesecoin.

An Apology to a Cat

I’m sorry that I ignored you earlier when you wanted pets.

You see, I was working, and I could not give you pets.

You know that nice canned food you get excited about? And that comfortable bed and cat tree you like to sleep on indoors? I have to work so that you can have those.

You hunt by going outside and eating bugs with your claws and teeth.

I hunt by “working”, which is sitting indoors and staring at a screen. I spend all my time and mental energy pushing buttons so that what’s on the screen changes. I stress out, I get overwhelmed, and I have all sorts of reactions that don’t make sense for someone who is just staring at a plastic box all day. But I must focus my attention completely so that my hunt will be successful.

So when you bring a live grasshopper home and meow at me to tell me you brought me something that I could kill and eat and then get annoyed that I don’t eat it, that’s the same feeling I get when I point at the screen and tell you to fix a font alignment bug and you don’t even start up the source code editor.

All this just to say that I’m sorry that I ignored you earlier when you wanted pets. But it will happen again.

Building Kawpowminer From Source on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux

I wanted to build kawpowminer from source so I could mine some Ravencoin. I ran into some issues getting it to build, so I’m documenting them here in case anyone else runs into the same problems.

Let’s assume you’ve gotten past the part where you install all of the dev libraries you need (cuda, etc) and are trying to get the kawpowminer source to build (if you miss a library, it’s generally pretty obvious from googling the build error which one you need to add and then try again).

git clone
cd kawpowminer
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake .

It’s at this point that you’re likely to see an error.

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "ethash-cuda" in directory /home/xangis/code/kawpowminer/libethash-cuda
linked by target "ethash-cuda" in directory /home/xangis/code/kawpowminer/libethash-cuda

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

To get past this, you’ll need to find where your and files are. I install mlocate on my machines so I can do “locate” to find the file location. Once you’ve found (or installed) them, add the file locations to the cmake command line like so:

cmake . -DETHASHCUDA=ON -DETHASHCL=ON -DCUDA_cuda_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -DCUDA_nvrtc_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

CMake should run for a while and do a bunch of things. Eventually you’ll be ready to run “make” to create the final build of the app. Except, it doesn’t like the default Ubuntu gcc v9 install. It’s too new:

[ 64%] Building NVCC (Device) object libethash-cuda/CMakeFiles/ethash-cuda.dir/
In file included from /usr/include/cuda_runtime.h:83,
from :
/usr/include/crt/host_config.h:138:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later than 8 are not supported!
138 | #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later than 8 are not supported!
| ^~~~~
CMake Error at (message):
Error generating

make[2]: *** [libethash-cuda/CMakeFiles/ethash-cuda.dir/build.make:65: libethash-cuda/CMakeFiles/ethash-cuda.dir/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:513: libethash-cuda/CMakeFiles/ethash-cuda.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 66%] Linking CXX static library libpoolprotocols.a
[ 66%] Built target poolprotocols
make: *** [Makefile:152: all] Error 2
xangis@spica:~/code/kawpowminer$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

To get around this, you’ll need to install an older version of gcc. I went back to version 7 because I didn’t want to worry about installing v8.1 for example, and then being told that it won’t work because it’s a version later than 8.

sudo apt-get install gcc-7 g++-7

Now you have two versions of GCC installed, and your system won’t use the older one. There are a few ways to switch them (including update-alternatives), but the quickest way is to remove the /usr/bin/gcc link to gcc-9 and replace it with one to gcc-7.

sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-7 /usr/bin/gcc

Now if you run “make”, you won’t get the error message about your gcc being too new. You’ll probably want to reverse this change after you’re done building, unless you want to keep using the older version of GCC, which you might want to do if you’ll be working on the kawpowminer code.

sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-9 /usr/bin/gcc

If you found this helpful, you can always RVN me at RRWHrajdjJV7kKdZoeRFbKHkEeuh9jBKR4